Sunday, September 14, 2008


Earlier in the summer I watched an episode of True Life on MTV called “I live another life on the web.” It was a documentary that followed three girls for about a couple months and how they lived their life…on the web. It seemed like that was the only life that they had! The one girl was a part of a virtual world and would sing and play her guitar in front of thousands of people on the web, but could not perform in real life. Another one used sexual pictures of herself to meet guys on the internet, and the other would not leave the house and just talk to people online all day because she was too afraid of how real society would view her because of her weight.

As I continued to watch this, all I could think about is how pathetic I thought they were. I understand that we, as a society, need to have communications with other people through the internet and there are definitely benefits to these means of communication; but to live your life solely on the web and have hardly any face-to-face contact with your friends, neighbors, or even strangers just rubs me the wrong way. I feel that we need to have physical contact with the world even if it does start through the web.

In class as we were filling out those papers on what we look for in a significant other, I was thinking if I could start a relationship with someone through the internet. I do not think I could because how he interacts with me and others in person is a big factor when deciding to become intimate with him.

The only girl that I could empathize for was the one who could not perform in front of people in real life. Being a theatre major, I see stage fright all the time and I am very supportive of those who cannot perform or even speak for that matter in front of a crowd.

All in all, the show kind of annoyed me with how the girls could not live a normal life and thought they could only gain acceptation by using the web. It reminds me of how hookers look for love through sex. It is not that satisfying.


Sarah said...

I think that this episode of truelife portrays a lot of people and thier interactions on the web and in real life (or thier truelife..haha). We have become a society that shys aways from face to face interaction and this rubs me the wrong way too. I can't help but think about what would happen if social networking was deleted.

Carly said...

I agree. I could never have a start a relationship online, but I am guilty of building on some of my relationships via the web or text. I think I am more comfortable talking online at the beginning of a relationship because it seems less forward, and more relaxed. As for having a secret life online like the girls on MTV, that's just talking it too far!